Monday, August 11, 2008

Falling slowly

And in English. I was just talking of languages with a friend and so I cannot pass the fact my second language has been completely neglected - even though I never made any promises about that, just said I would write based on the feeling I have. Some things are easier and more natural in English, some in Finnish. Lately I guess I've been more of the Finn.

I've seen so many movies during the past two weeks, ever since I made a great discovery in the city library. Technique-wise I am so last century you cannot believe, and I guess no one is surprised to hear my over-loaded bookshelves have one shelf completely full of VHS-cassettes. More than half of them are movies recorded from TV some ten years ago, the rest are dancing videos of shows I've performed in or shows I saw on TV. Of course I also have a VHS-player, connected to my otherwise unusable TV, and hereby I have been enjoying of the feeling of finding perfect access to every VHS they own in the library (and it's a lot), always free for me to borrow. For sure, DVD has much better quality of picture and more guarantee for its funcionability, but one is ready to give up on some of these post-modern comforts in the name of the nostalgic feeling.

Once: a movie to see. However, not if you're cynical, or action-horror-movie freak, or music-hater, or something else, but surely none of you who read my stuff are anything of the sort. Not that I would care if you were, I think it's great if very different kind of people can still communicate succesfully, despite their likings. Anyway, even seeing the trailer makes me feel better now. Or listening to the music in it, which I've done, by the way, most of the time I've been at home this weekend. Yeah yeah, this is so girly for sure but I am a girl after all, and thus forgiven.

I feel, too, I am falling slowly, not completely sure to what, but definitly to something better than what the past year had to offer. It's ok, life is. With my VHS's, and computer disks and books and musics and projects and Gilmore Girls' and friends and thoughts and foamings about stuff and studies and criticisms and ideas... and love, too. I have a warm heart, you know. A complicated but a warm one.

Next I hope I will fall to sleep. Tomorrow I also start falling back to the normal life, after being quite on holidays for one month. I'll be working again with international students; somehow I am stuck with them, always in a way or another - and I have nothing to complain.

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