Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Midnight thoughts

Everyone seems to be a bit tired. Is it just the time of the year, or is it that my circle is so limited to that of JYY at the moment and everyone there seems to be tired? Probably both. Lot of people have things going on, personal, professional, both, good and not so good. I do too and it's making it harder to communicate. I've got a friend who also has things going on but keeps on facing the world with honestly positive attitude. I cannot tell how much I appreaciate this.

Why do I hang out here at this hour if I feel tired? That is the one strange thing: when actually really tired, I kind of stop. I quite much don't do anything but I don't rest either. I just hang out online even though I had nothing to do the whole evening.

It is the end of the year, and the end of the first half of the academical year. It's the darkest, gloomiest season of the country, and it's the time of life, a bit above twenty, when people are looking for something not quite really knowing yet what all and trying to survive between studies, work, other activities, relationships, truly growing up, taking responsibilities, being full of life and energy and expectations and dreams and knowing we actually have now everything we need to start making them come true... and then we get tired. Howcome?

We should just take a day at a time but how hard is that. There is no rush to anywhere, we are past the time we waited to get somewhere; we have everything on our own hands now, just we don't know how to use this life now that we have it all on our own. Or at least I don't. The other day I thought about things I've done, during past years, the life that I've lived during my so far quite short adulthood. I've done a lot of things, have to say. Still I feel I am going nowhere, I am completely lost. I've got more dreams I can make happen and it's scary. How do I know which ones are the ones?

It should be here and now, every day, not tomorrow, not after this weekend, not after this semester, not after graduating. It should be here and now, that's all we have.

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