Wednesday, December 12, 2007

see you again

There are no words to say what kind of holes we are left with after saying goodbyes to friends. In some ways one can get used to it. It just happens over and over again and all of a sudden one can deal with the feeling of sadness better. But it's there still.

There are lots of goodbyes this time of the year again. What a strange thing it is to get friends of people who actually live thousands of kilometres away.

There are no words to describe what a joy it is to have friends of people who come from thousands of kilometres away and share the life with us for a while. No words for the joy of seeing each other again, or to the feeling of having an open world and friends all around. To have pieces of one's heart scattered around - in a good way.

Life changes constantly, people come and people go. And what a joy it is to have the world a little bit more of a friend by those dear ones all around.

Goodbyes are sad but who counts those when there are always as many times to see each other again?

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