Friday, October 12, 2007

don't let the world bring you down...

There is something terribly wrong in this world.

I hate to see people suffering because of ignorance of some others, I hate to see and hear my friends having hard times and know there is nothing really I can do to help; and I hate the weakness of a human being: having troubles in my own life makes me sometimes incapable to remember anything else but it fills my whole nights and days and leaves everything else out without any light or a way out.

I hate the fact some dear friends are far away and I cannot be there when I wanted to be there for them. I hate this technology that makes us come seemingly closer to each other and then again just further from the real live connections. I hate selfisness and money and economy and all that keeps on controlling the world and the minds of so many people. I hate the fact that life has become complicated in the whole when it actually wouldn't be so if we just paid attention to what is important and essential. The problem is, who knows what is essential and important? I think I know it and the next moment it's gone again. Yes, people do make mistakes in choises but life cannot be about regret. There must be something good behind it all and that's the only thing that keeps us going on and on.

I hate the feeling of powerlessness and incapability when it comes to helping others and keeping my own self in positive thoughts. But never give up the fight, never let go of what one thinks important and of value. That's the only way of going on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. Well said. Good English too.