Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Got to stay tuned...

...or else. Related to the world and the view and the world view of today's people in this society. Dare to slow down and you'll drop or at least stop being in in anything. And what work to get back to it, better hang in there, with toes and nails and teeth and all.


After lunch today I spent three hours listening to a lecture about the administrative history of Russia, all the way from Medieval times to the Soviet Union. It was very rich in figures and crowded with detailed descriptions of numerous emperors and their reforms to the system, with all of those different departments and collegia and cabinets and what not. More interesting than the figures I found the little background stories behind: the one who killed his own son not to make him the new tsar, or the one who killed his father but was later killed himself by his son and then on the top of them all the German princess who killed the husband, who in the first place made her have anything to do with this country anyway. To summarize, there was awful lots of killing in that family line. But then again that was centuries ago, the dark middle ages and so on, no?

As the lecturer went on about his detailed historical material I started thinking about the politics and administrative systems of nowaday states. Aren't we now much more civilized? For sure we don't have anymore sons killing their fathers and brothers their brothers just to gain the power? Neither there surely are no sovereign absolute emperors and kings and presidents who have the ultimate saying on their people's issues? Give me a break.

By the end of the lecture I was once more convinced the world and the people in it have changed as much as the blue sky over all these centuries. We believe we are wiser but no, we are just more crowded, busier, more technical, more willing to believe in our own superpowers and capabilities that are as transparent as our fine powerpoint slides in the air. We are still human, flesh and blood and strong feelings, loving and hating and working and the overall IQ has probably not altered much from the Medievals, if not downwards what with all these readymade lives we've got ourselves.

Once again I ended up with believing in not money, not power, not politics and not economy but pure humanity for one and for all. Everything else seems to make us fatal enemies to each others.

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