Thursday, August 20, 2009

Under water

Do you know the moment when time stops while taking a shower? After a good workout, or a long day, or being too tired or having your mind too occupied for anything else you just stand there, eyes closed and let the water wash over you, around you, and even though it's just water, thin and too liquid to stay any longer than it has to, it's like a warm bubble that halts the time and space and you can just breathe and concentrate on being.

I wish there was an Einstein here to explain me right now the meaning of relativity.

Standing on a bridge,
watch the water passing under me
It must’ve been much harder
when there was no bridge, just water
Now the world is small.
Remember how it used to be,
with mountains and oceans and winters
and rivers and stars?

(Dave Matthews: Funny the way it is)

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